Sunday, June 9, 2019

Compare and contrast Pascal, Voltaire, Hume, Kierkegaard and Nietzsche Essay

Comp ar and contrast Pascal, Voltaire, Hume, Kierkegaard and Nietzsche - Essay ExampleHe stipulated in his popular Pascals Wager. He said the people would tolerate very little for accept that God exists regardless of whether he exists or not. On the other hand, he stipulated that people would gain a lot for believing that God exists. In this case, he concluded that it is appropriate for people to believe that God exists and behave in an appropriate manner. Pascal said that he would earlier be frightened of being mistaken about the existence of God. Therefore, Pascals Wager is regarded as a rationality of belief in God. His views are directed to those people who waver as opposed to those people who do not believe in the existence of God (Asiado).Voltaires life is set forth as a paradox. In this case, he despised humanity yet he was fond of men. Moreover, he did not believe in God entirely in real sense he dedicated his life to find him. He stipulated that no religious text or rev elation is needed to get out people to believe in God. He believed in the universal laws which are focused in the moral world which are observed in in all religious systems. In this case, people are required to have respect for nature and the contemporary world. Voltaire believed that there exists a supreme, eternal and intelligent being. He believed in reason and not faith (Graves).Hume is regarded as an empiricist. He believes that belief would be regarded as rational if there is sufficient evidence to support it. In this case, he questions whether there is enough evidence in the world which would convince people to believe in the wise, powerful, good and a wise God. For example, Hume was very critical of the Catholic Church. He described its activities as ones that are guided by idolatry and superstition. He also stipulated that they practiced uncivilized beliefs. Moreover, he regarded Protestants as corruptors of belief (Quinton, p, 3). Therefore, in this perspective, it is tr ue that Hume was skeptical about religion.Kierkegaard was a religious poet. In this

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